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Total Launch Formula

If you're giving me a virtual "Hell Yeah" then I'm excited to tell you about my latest offering.

The Total Launch Formula <Accelerator> Program is a 16-week container that gets nearly burnt-out entrepreneurs and 1:1 service providers create, launch, sell, and scale digital products using organic marketing & public relations to position themselves as industry experts, double their impact, and generate a minimum of $30k in additional profit per year.

Ready to seriously scale your business online without adding 1:1 hours to your schedule?

Hey friend. I've got a real important question for you.

Super done wasting time, and super ready to get a super specialized launch plan from someone who's been there... 


Spent on investing in digital courses that teach *one thing* but don't actually launch you into the next level of your business


Sitting on an AH-MAZE-ING course, but stuck at ho-hum launch numbers that aren't cutting it


Maxed with 1:1 clients working 10 hour days on the hustle treadmill


let me guess, you're brilliant, but burnt out.

If you found yourself saying “yeeeep that’s me” to at least one of those assumptions... you’re in the right place.

Getting your schedule from burnt out to balanced and finding ease and alignment with your purpose again

Impacting hundreds (or thousands) of humans with what you already know

Seeing Stripe notifications come in while you sleep... without having sales calls, creating FB ads, or being in the DMs.

Getting media interviews and becoming the go-to expert in your field from *free* publicity 

I'm talking about a way forward that's puts you in the drivers seat of your business. Buckle up because you can achieve: 

> Even if you’re booked out with 1:1 client work
are a master procrastinator

have a teeny-tiny (or non-existent) email list
are basically allergic to tech systems, or have already (or never) launched before.

Let's help you  launch an offering that generates a minimum of $30k in profit per year.

I'm your spin instructor, motivational cheerleader, award-winning communications strategist who's turned her intellectual property into a profitable digital course called Instructor Magic, teaching cycling instructors how to get to waitlisted classes.

I've built an international audience while learning the magical ingredients of successful launches, and have taught more than 100 students from around the globe online.

Now, I write copy that converts (like, the stuff you're reading now!) and help other course creators launch, scale, and sell on autopilot through kickass systems, pages, and launch plans. 

But it wasn't always this easy-breezy.

Three years ago, I was burnt out, filling my time writing for clients but still struggling to pay my bills.. dreaming of a time when I could feel valued and have the bank account to show for it.

ceo, coach and launch strategist helping other entrepreneurs grow and scale their business.

I'm Hannah! The girl who fell in love with online biz.

I saw businesses add online services & offerings that had low-overhead and served multiple people at once and knew I had to figure out a way to scale my services to move from 1:1 to 1:many and get my sanity back.

Meanwhile, I fell in love with indoor cycling and became a sought-after instructor, getting to coveted regularly waitlisted rides just months after jumping onto the podium. After getting the same “how did you do it” question in my DMs day after day, I realized I could package my intellectual property in the areas of marketing, motivation, musicality, coaching + voice & presence (like, the stuff they don’t teach in certifications) to help other instructors seriously level up.

In my first launch, I TRIPLED my course sales goal and have been completely obsessed with course creation as a path to financial freedom ever since: tweaking my formula as I work with coach creators to accelerate their launches.
Now, I’m opening the doors to a new high-touch coaching program for entrepreneurs who want to get their time back, double their impact, increase their revenue, and strategically scale with online offerings.

Wondering how you can make more money...
Generate more revenue...
Impact more lives...
In 3 months or less?

 the Total Launch Accelerator Program is a complete and holistic approach to digital product creation, launching, and scaling with a hard revenue goal of adding a minimum of $30k per year in profit to your business using organic marketing & public relations.


the total launch formula


Unlike other piece-meal programs, the Total Launch Accelerator Program is a complete and holistic approach to digital product launching with a hard revenue goal of adding a minimum of $30k per year in profit to your business.

In 14 weeks, I will work with you to get laser-focused on product creation, offer design, lead generation, email marketing, launch planning, outreach & media pitching, and tech systems set-up so that your sales automate <without discovery calls> and help you spend time on your business instead of in it.

All delivered in an intimate container of highly-motivated entrepreneurs online to fit your schedule.

It's time to stop dreaming and start doing.


The formula

Here's your ticket to stop dreaming and start doing with a formula that makes magic happen in your biz.

Growing your email list and a community of people who are ready to buy is more than just posting on social. Here we go deep into outreach and PR strategies to grow your audience

Selling & getting seen

Let's launch the damned thing and get you paid to create your offering! We co-create a 60-90 day launch plan you can use again and again.

Launching + systems

This is where we create a killer offer <digital product> with a crystal clear transformation and problem-solving formula so potential students are begging to work with you.

Offer creation

What's Included

valued at $2397

Selling: Sales page editing/auditing, sales scripts to use in DMs, emails, and in 1:1 conversations to help you close prospects without coming off as sleazy, sales-y, or unethical. Scaling plan: how to add in upsells to your offer that you can turn on evergreen and use as gas to keep you motivated in-between launching.  How to create strategic content that is repurposed across platforms and supports SEO. Getting seen: your triple threat pitching approach to use your network to get earned media! 

Weeks 12-14: Selling, Scaling, and Getting Seen

valued at $1897

Email marketing: how to write emails that actually get opened and get your audience excited to buy from you. Launch planning: sales page writing/design, social media content to start now, what
to say about your upcoming offer launch, and how to build your audience. Webinars:

Weeks 7-11: Email marketing, Launch Planning, Tech Automation

valued at $1997

We review, edit, and design your offer so your program + product promise is crystal clear and makes your ideal customer say “hell yeah” when scanning your sales page. You'll also design a kick-ass curriculum AND get your lead magnet up and running to gather a hotlist of potential students for your launch. Finally, we'll get deep into tech-systems that will help you scale

Weeks 1-5 Offer Design, Tech-Systems set-up, Digital Product and Lead Magnet Creation

How to turn your live launch systems into an evergreen conversion machine

Numbers to know: what data is important to track to ensure your funnels are working

Going Evergreen


Media interview pitch template
Podcast interview pitch template

Podcasting 101: How to start yours in *one* day

bonuses week 12-14

Selling & Getting Seen


Email welcome sequence and 30 day launch content ideas plan

Full Launch 60-90 day Checklist + Calendar

bonuses week7-11

Launch prep and plan


Student onboarding email sequence and checklist! 

Lead magnet design templates in Canva to whip up a checklist, guide, or download and build your list now!

bonuses week 1-5

Offer design + creation


Offer design + creation

Email Marketing & Launch Planning

Selling, Scaling, and Getting Seen

Evergreen bonuses

Plus these bonuses

That's not all, when you join the ACCELERATOR you'll also receive 

These killer bonuses

That's not all, when you join the ACCELERATOR you'll also receive these bonuses:

Are you ready?

You have major mindset issues that require 1:1 coaching focusing on mindset. I've got the key to unlock your potential, but you are 100% responsible for your progress. 

You aren't interested in taking responsibility for your business, or expect this accelerator to do the work for you... I work with grown people who know this isn't a quick fix.

You don't have the resources to invest. My Olympian (student) is one who is nervous to invest, but still has the ability to. 

This program is for brave business owners. It's not right for you if:

Looking for a proven curriculum using organic marketing 

Ready to invest in yourself <financially and with your time> and level up your launches

Motivated to launch an online offering in the next six months

This program is right for you if you're ready to stop dreaming and start doing. You're in the right place if you are:

Want to scale an existing offer well beyond basic results

tap into your magic

Clarity comes from taking action.
So, are you ready to stop dreaming and start doing? 

Plan your launches around revenue goals and turn on the *money faucet* (yeah, it actually feels like that) when you want

Get 1:1 attention on your sales page, email sequences, and tech automations in an intimate group container

Grow your following and email list so you have ready (and qualified) clients

get confident on camera and position yourself as an authority 

Over 14 weeks we work together to create an online offer once, then launch, then scale it so you can plan to make money when you want without adding more 1:1 clients to your schedule.
It's the only program that incorporates media <aka publicity> into the launch curriculum.

The Total Launch formula Accelerator is for highly motivated humans  that will help you achieve game-changing results from launching - without the hustle.

Hannah X

It took me a full year to invest in the coach I was watching after investing in course after course with *okay* results, but without a full system.
Lo and behold, I immediately saw an ROI on my investment. It’s my goal to make you the MOST profitable in the next year using this program, and with my help.

And I only accept applications from entrepreneurs I can help.

BUT- I have nearly 13 years of experience as a copywriter, marketing strategist, public relations pro, and have won awards (Future Leader of Manitoba 2019, Communicator of the Year 2018) for the work I do.... 

My best quality, above and beyond my education and experience, is that I am insatiable in the quest for helping others tap into their own magic and believe in themselves.
I can't wait to see yours.

I know that investing in yourself can be one of the hardest leaps to make as an entrepreneur...
And, investing in a coach can be just as intimidating.

and my promise to you? I'll be alongside you every step of the way. 

tap into your magic

If you're down here, Let's chat.
hit apply now and book a call