I'm an online marketing strategist and coach for humans who are done with mediocre and want magic.

I help people tap into their magic.


Hannah Rose

I'm a DJ-turned spin instructor and podcaster who doubles as an award-winning communications & marketing director. (Think Superman, but my spandex is usually Lululemon).

I'm a coffee-sipping, dog-loving, BIG ideas and quick execution kinda-gal who believes in the potential of people and doing great things. 

I've launched three 10k + Instagram accounts with international followings, headlined and toured as a DJ, and have led hundreds of waitlisted spin classes: both in-person and virtually. My tagline: Yes You Can.

My superpower? Helping people tap into their magic: both in rides, and in my launch strategy coaching.

but it wasn't always this way.

Even with a master's degree in communications & leadership, my first few months on the podium and on the mic felt like the most anxious of my life. I couldn't believe how easy my favourite instructors made it look, and was desperate to speed up the learning process.

I love what I do.
(Which is a bunch of things).

My uber cute pack of rescue dogs! *yes, full pack of three!

Hosting a top-rated mental health & instructor resource podcast

Working with kick-ass clients to level-up their communications & marketing

Teaching spin to wildly passionate communities around the world

I'm reallyyyy passionate about...

I can see someone's greatest strengths and pull it out of them. Seriously. My favourite calls with clients have me BUZZING because I can just SEE their amazing future ahead. Need a roadmap to get there? I'll lead you every step out of the Temple of Doom and into your light. 

Motivating is what I do: whether you're a studio owner, an aspiring instructor, or a new fitness pro... read on and find out how I can help you discover your Magic.

Speaking my language? 

Using my background in marketing, DJing, and motivational speaking and writing, I've created resources and templates for instructors to quickly level up using proven (and, better yet- scientific!) strategies to level up their abilities. I've tried, failed, and gotten back up to seriously study what works and what doesn't: and I'm ready to share this with you.

I love what I do.
(Which is a bunch of things).

Call me Indiana Jones


I get to coach instructors, lead rides, work with entrepreneurs and give back through my charitable project. I love my life.


Won the 2018 Communicator of the Year Award and the 2019 Future Leader of Manitoba Award 


Started teaching spin after nearly 7 years of trying... seriously! 


I lost my mom to mental illness and launched a blog documenting my journey in grief


Took a Preaching 101 course in University and got an 'A'


Graduated from the Creative Communications program majoring in PR


Took my first spin class and have been hooked ever since! 


Named Captain of my university volleyball team.

My Timeline

where I've been

tell me more!

maui, hawaii

5. To Visit:

the bombers! 

4. To Cheer For:

bubly water grapefruit

3. To Drink:

where the crawdad's sing

2. To Read:

Grey's anatomy

1. To Watch: 

My Favorite Things

< Go Back

yes you can

10. Podcast

international women's day

9. Holiday:

the dog park, or my garden

8. Place to Be:

throwback hip hop

7. To Listen to:


6. To Eat:

Did someone say more favorites!?

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