Giving you the expert tools & professional guidance to level up your skills, fill classes, and build wildly passionate followings.

I help new and aspiring fitness instructors tap into their magic and master their craft.

let's be friends!

I'm a DJ-turned spin instructor and podcaster who doubles as an award-winning communications & marketing director.

(Think Superman, but my spandex is usually Lululemon). My areas of genius: marketing, musicality, and motivation... and making people cry in class.

I've launched three 10k + Instagram accounts with international followings, headlined and toured as a DJ, and have led thousands of waitlisted spin classes: both in-person and virtually. My tagline: Yes You Can.

Motivating is what I do: whether you're a studio owner, an aspiring instructor, or a new fitness pro... read on and find out how I can help you discover your Magic.

Hello lovely! I'm Hannah.


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You can ride with me on Wheelhouse Live or head to my podcast for bite-sized instructor tips!

Need some instructor inspo?

— Afton 

After meeting with Hannah I realized how much I didn't know, even after getting a spin certification. I feel so lucky to just get started on my coaching journey and to have amazing support and guidance like this!

— Jess

Hannah has been my biggest cheerleader, mentor and coach throughout my career so far. Having Hannah as a mentor and leader has been instrumental for me. 

— Jeanette

She is a go getter who truly cares and wants to pave the road for aspiring spin instructors

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